Sunday, December 13, 2009

Quick observation on the stock market

First up, this will be a quick post, but I have decided to move where I am putting these blogs.  All comes down to $$$ if you can believe that or not.  I pay about $50/year for the existing Typepad account, and have discovered that Google will let me do it for free.  Although it is not better, so far the only thing I can see that is poorer is the size of the images on the main page.  So you will have to click on the images to view them.  For $50 that does not seem like a big deal.  So, until the end of Jan posts will be done to both addresses, but you should change your RSS feed or bookmark to

from here on.  Again, I will post to both until the other one runs out. 

On to the market.  I have not commented on the stock market much specifically, but would like to prime everyone into an interesting observation.  So, here is the chart based off of data from Yahoo!

Note in the highlighted region.  For one month now we have gone sideways.  So what you ask?  That is a considerable amount of time for a market to go sideways.  It is a 300 point range, which is tight.  The reason I bring this up is the stock market likes to move, one way or another does not matter, but it does not like to sit still.  What is happening?  The longer this goes, imaging a spring being coiled up each day.  When it goes, it typically goes big (everyone is watching it wait to break one way or another).  So expect a big move, I think down, but who really knows? 

Don't forget to update your website!

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